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The JHR1110 double horn possesses the tonal color and transparency well suited for any performance. The Geyer wrap reduces resistance and helps produce remarkable volume. With the many professional features, the JHR1110 will take a student through their collegiate education.


·  Double F/Bb

·  Lacquered Brass Body

·  Rose Brass Leadpipe

·  Four String Wrapped Tapered Rotary Valves

·  Engraved Valve Caps

·  Geyer Wrap

·  472" Bore

·  11.9" Bell


At time of purchasing an instrument, you also get 20% off any additional accessories or supplies you want/need


Why rent when you can get a great instrument for a great price?!  Stop by any time to try it out or take a look at the other instruments we have available.


Cash & Major Credit Cards Accepted.  Financing Also Available, ask for details.

Weekdays  10am-6pm

Rocky Mountain Music Repair
2150 W. 6th Ave.  Suite E
Broomfield, CO 80020


Jupiter Double French Horn

SKU: JHR-1110

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